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Dark circles treatment with Hyaluronic Acid injection

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Dark circles treatment with Hyaluronic Acid injection

Treating Dark Circles with Hyaluronic Acid

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As we age, the tissues become looser and fat melts away. This phenomenon is particularly visible under the lower eyelid area. The melting of fat deepens the dark circles. The eyes then look tired, regardless of the reality of the patient's condition. You can opt for cosmetic products to relax the eyes, but the dark circles will not disappear completely.

When concealer is no longer sufficient and the patient does not wish to resort to surgery, the technique of dark circle filling by injection of hyaluronic acid is the preferred treatment.

There are several types of dark circles: hollow circles, dark circles and bags under the eyes. Each type has its own treatment.

Dark circles

There is a hereditary part in the appearance of dark circles, which are usually purple colored. 

The skin is very thin and reveals the blood pigments. It is this transparency that gives the coloured appearance. 

There are several types of colouring: 

- Blue and purple pigmentation: The lower eyelid is extremely thin. The underlying structures are therefore visible: the bluish veins and the purplish orbicular muscle.

- Red pigmentation and presence of micro-vessels: the colour of the dark circles tends towards red. When the skin is pulled slightly, micro-capillaries can be seen through the skin, which are most often located in front of a pocket, and more often towards the inner corner of the dark circles. These micro-capillaries are most often due to the pressure exerted by the fat pocket.

- Hyper-pigmentation and brown colouring: The dark colour of the dark circles is related to hyper-pigmentation of the skin. It is most often of ethnic origin.

Treatment of dark circles:

The vascular laser, for red circles to burn the vessel.

The gentle peel, for brown dark circles.

Hyaluronic acid injections to correct blue and purple discolouration. The treatment of "purple discolouration" is delicate, so thickening the thin skin in this area by injecting a hyaluronic acid filler is recommended. A good concealer is also useful.

CONCLUSION: Not all types of dark circles are treated with hyaluronic acid; purple pigmentation is the only type of dark circles that can benefit from this technique.

Hollow dark circles

Hollow dark circles under the lower eyelids are very common in men and women. They make the eyes look tired and dull.

Genetic predisposition, fatigue and age are factors in the appearance of hollow dark circles.

The treatment of hollow dark circles: 

Hyaluronic acid is an effective remedy for the medical filling of hollow dark circles.

Hyaluronic acid is an essential and natural component of our skin. It contributes to the hydration and renewal of our skin cells. The result is immediate and lasts between 9 and 12 months.

Filling of dark circles with hyaluronic acid: filling of dark circles is always performed with a very thin hyaluronic acid, which is injected deep into the bone, to avoid irregularities on the surface.

Teoxane, for example, offers Teosyal Redensity II, a hyaluronic acid that is ideal for the treatment of hollow dark circles.

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Teosyal Puresense Redensity 2 is the ultimate injectable hyaluronic acid to fight against DARK CIRCLES.

It helps to remove folds and wrinkles and reduces the phenomenon of dehydration.

The Puresense range contains lidocaine to reduce pain during the injection.

This hyaluronic acid is designed for the treatment of dark circles and under eye area.

Composition: Cross-linked and non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid: 15 mg/ml + Phosphate buffer + lidocaine 0,3%

Swollen dark circles

The lower eyelids are "full" because the fat in the eye area gets stuck and permanently stretches the skin of the lower eyelid.

Be careful, this phenomenon must be distinguished from puffy eyes in the morning when you wake up. In this case, it is due to our lying position for many hours that an accumulation of lymph occurs during the night. This will disappear shortly after you wake up. You can also use a Cold jade Roller to reduce this type of puffiness.

To treat fat bags, the only possible treatment is surgical: Lower eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty. 

Conclusion: For these types of dark circles, the injection of hyaluronic acid will not produce any results.



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